Anons are the media now, comrades. Contrast with the NPC word salad cringe of LinkedIn: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-flex-on-linkedin-cringe-contest

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Prior to Facebook, it was considered weird to post your real name on the internet. After all, there might be crazy people out there. As it turned out...there truly indeed were crazy people out there, so anonymity isn't so much a new thing but a return to a norm that we probably never should have abandoned in the first place.

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That's very true. It's really a return to the original screename/forum handle cyber communication.

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I've watched countless techie vids about how to maximize your online privacy (and separately, security).

Bottom line is - you can't truly hide. Even TOR can't protect you if you're high priority enough for the powers that be.

The pseudo-anonymity is against cattle online, and It can only last so long.

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The alternative is to just use a pen name, that isn't an obvious pseudonym, as many great authors have done.

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I'm a DGAF kind of guy who posts under my own name, does that make me unhinged? I guess that depends on the definition.

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Sure. What's the twitter handle?

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